designer designing a landing page form

7 Ways to optimize Your Landing Page Forms

Landing page optimization is now even more crucial for one reason: internet users’ attention spans have fallen from about 12 seconds to less than eight seconds. We laugh hysterically at the disjointed antics of Ellen DeGeneres’ Dory on the big screen, but Microsoft itself says that the average attention span of a smartphone user is now less than that of a goldfish!

This news can be disheartening for digital marketers, but fortunately there are effective ways to catch the attention of distracted visitors and make them want to stick around for just a little while longer. One of the best attention-grabbers is PURLs, or personalized URLs. These are unique web addresses which are created especially for given target prospects using their own name and the brand name. Marketers include these into personalized email marketing or direct mail marketing campaigns to drive web traffic.

Once prospects take the step of clicking through, Easypurl helps design dynamic landing pages where they are greeted by name and provided with information that is specific to their visit. Personalized messaging is targeted based on the individual’s profile information, known interests and affiliations, and online activity.

Here are seven landing page optimization techniques Easypurl uses to perfect:

  1. Pre-populate data: Marketers already have a significant amount of information on prospects, so they can use this data to pre-populate any landing page forms. This makes it easier for the target to simply verify and click. Easypurl can help build in database access that makes it easy for visitors to take the next step.
  2. Don’t ask for too much: Think of this as building a relationship. Getting a prospect to click on a PURL is like asking someone for a date. The visit to the landing page should be considered the getting-to-know-you stage. In real life, you wouldn’t want to cover a person’s entire life history on the first date. The landing page form should only ask for information that is absolutely needed to take the relationship to the next step. There will be plenty of time to find and add information to your database as the relationship grows.
  3. But do ask for something: Many landing pages fall short because they don’t ask the prospect to do anything. Remember that you are building a relationship, so ask for the second date by having a clear, well-crafted call to action.
  4. Pictures speak a thousand words: Too much content can be off-putting, so let your landing page pictures do the talking for you. Add relevant images to tell your story and keep the user’s attention.
  5. Provide easy choices: Visitors are more likely to click on easy choices than to provide answers in written form. If there are choices to be made, use radio buttons to allow visitors to select one of the available options.
  6. Direct the visit: Too many options are confusing. Provide directional visual cues that easily lead the visitor from one part of the landing page to another.
  7. Mobile matters: Perhaps the attention span of mobile users is even shorter. Don’t forget to design forms that make it easy for mobile users to respond on the run.

Easypurl provides software and solutions that enable unique conversations with individual targets through feature-rich, personalized landing pages. Incorporate PURLs into your next email marketing or direct mail marketing campaign, and see how dynamic landing pages can overcome short attention spans. Visit our website to find out how Easypurl can help your next direct marketing campaign.

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