Category Archives: Personalized Urls

These are the different types of Landing Page templates that Easypurl offers

Design Dynamic, Personalized Landing Pages with EasyPurl’s Template Library

Any savvy digital marketer in 2018 is likely well aware of the benefits landing pages provide to offer-specific marketing campaigns.  You’d be remiss not to Read More >

5 Reasons You Should Add PURLs to Your Email Marketing

Make your prospects feel special with a PURL created just for them! Email marketing gives us ways to reach customers in more effective ways than Read More >

personalized landing pages

6 Reasons Why You Absolutely Need Personalized Landing Pages

The world of online marketing is becoming increasingly competitive as more and more companies struggle to gain the attention of their prospects. In fact, 90 Read More >

Mail piece and a Personalized URL

Why Should You Invest in PURLs?

Direct mail can be made even more effective when it is combined with digital efforts such as personal URLs, known as PURLs. These are unique Read More >

Personalized URLs

PURLs: 6 Ways PURLs Can Help Your Next Direct Marketing Campaign

PURLs are the tried-and-true workhorse of the marketing campaign. The PURL, or personalized URL, is a unique web address that is included in email and direct Read More >

How Landing Pages boosts your Marketing ROI

If you are sending visitors who find your site through search, display ads or any other means directly to your home page or contact page, Read More >

Effective Outbound Strategies

2 Effective Outbound Strategies to Jumpstart Your Fall Marketing Campaign

With the crisp feel of fall in the air, it is a great time to review your company’s outbound direct marketing strategy for one last Read More >

Printers and Agencies: Here is How to Charge for PURL Campaigns

At Easypurl, we are often asked by marketing agencies and printers about how much they should charge for PURL campaigns. Much like the question “how Read More >

PURL Pricing: How much do PURLs cost?

As the industry-leading provider of personalized URL or PURL technology to printers, agencies and brands worldwide – the question we most often get from clients Read More >

Learn More About PURLs in this Helpful Animation

We’ve created a simple animation explaining the benefits of using PURLs and personalization in your direct marketing campaigns. Enjoy!