worker building his email list.

7 Things You Should A/B Test for your Email

If you are not analyzing your data, you are not getting the impact that you should out of your email marketing messages. Easypurl makes it easy to A/B split test a number of factors to assure that every message you send is as effective as possible. Be sure to test one element at a time so that you are able to pin down exactly what element was responsible for the results. Not sure where to start? These seven facets of your marketing emails can tell you a lot about what works and what doesn’t.

1. Test your subject lines.

There are a number of areas to A/B test here. Does personalization work better or a generic headline? Should your subject line be a statement or a question? Do more blandly informational posts work better than promotional ones? By researching a number of approaches, you can learn how your specific audience reacts.

2. Try different times of day.

When your prospects get your email may have a big impact on whether they open it, read it and respond. For instance, you may find that your target market is most likely to be on their desktop computers during 9 to 5 hours and is more likely to click through and complete an action. Or, you may discover that you get better traction in the evening when your targets are more likely to be reading email on their phones.

3. Test different message lengths.

You may find that short messages work better than long ones, as well as the other way around. You may learn that your audience likes a message that gets to the point right away, or that they like to get a lot of details before making a decision. By testing the two tactics against one another with largely similar audiences, you can get the information you need to make future mailings more effective.

4. Try the same message in different tones.

Research indicates that millennials tend to respond better to casual and informal messages. Baby boomers typically prefer a more formal and authoritative tone. To see how your specific audience reacts to different styles, try presenting the same marketing message two ways.

5. Experiment with your use of images.

An email with a lot of images can be persuasive and interesting for some. For others, a message full of images may be off-putting. Try both approaches, as well as trying different things with image placement on the page.

6. Measure response with different preview text.

Are your prospects more likely to open an email with intriguing teaser text, or are they more likely to open when you summarize your message in that short peak? By testing the two approaches together, you can learn more about what works.

7. Play with your CTA.

Your call to action is arguably the most important sentence on the page. If you are torn between two different messages, try both to see which works better. You can test urgent and time-bound messages against ones that are more easygoing. See if a longer CTA outperforms a shorter one, and vice versa.

As you test each element of your email messages, you get closer and closer to an optimally effective messaging style. You may find that one approach is significantly more effective than another. Over time, this means a higher conversion rate and a better email marketing ROI. Ready to embrace the tools that can make A/B testing easy? Sign up for Easypurl today.

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