worker building his email list.

8 Successful Ways to Build Your Email List

The more qualified prospects you have on your email list, the more effective your email marketing will be. Email marketing allows you to contact people in a way that is convenient for them and provides a high response rate for you. Employing these tips will help you build a large list of interested prospects:

1. Cultivate a strong social media presence.

The people who have already benefited from following you on Twitter, LinkedIn and other platforms are all the more likely to sign up for your email offerings to get more. Engage with followers with likes, shares and retweets to draw them to your website.

2. Make your landing page easy.

The less your prospect has to do to sign up, the more likely they are to complete the action. Do not ask for too much demographic information right off the bat. Use dynamic landing pages like the ones you can get from Easypurl to preload information into pages so that all they have to do is click “yes.”

3. Craft a powerful call to action.

What do you want a prospect who lands on your page to do? Explain it in a short and compelling call to action to significantly increase your response rate. Your call to action should be short and explain why signing up for your list benefits the reader.

4. Demonstrate social proof.

Include testimonials and positive reviews on your landing page. These show prospects that other individuals have done business with you before and were happy with the experience. Contact current customers and ask them to share their thoughts on your brand.

5. Provide valuable downloadable content.

If what you have on the other side of the form gate is worth something to your prospects, they will often happily provide information to get it. Create e-books, sharable infographics, videos series and other bonuses to draw new people to your brand. Offering should be periodically updated so that they provide the most useful and timely information.

6. Host webinars.

A great way to harvest emails is to host a webinar and send logon details via email. Visual and audio information is a great way for your customers to learn more, and most will be eager for the opportunity to expand their knowledge.

7. Offer a unique giveaway.

What can you offer that your competitors aren’t? By choosing a giveaway that is truly unique and valuable, you can make people more enthusiastic about signing up for your email list. Being generous and inventive will build excitement and loyalty.

8. Ask for referrals.

Sometimes all you need to do to get new subscribers is ask. Include a note in each email message asking current subscribers whether their friends, family and colleagues would find your newsletter useful. You’ll get the benefit of social proof since your offering carries the trust the new subscribers have in the people who they already know.
By consistently offering great material, you can show people what you know and make people excited about your brand. Creating marketing offerings that are at least as high quality as your products and services can increase your mailing list size and help you build a better conversion rate and a stronger brand. Easypurl can provide you the right email marketing strategy with PURLs. Once you know how to build a list, head to Easypurl for the most effective ways to turn those subscribers into paying customers.

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