Connect Online & offline marketing

5 Ways to Connect Online and Offline Marketing to Increase Sales

Digital Ecosystem is tightening its grip. Electronic devices stream original and broadcast programming, and television sets are internet-connected. Once considered uncrossable, this merging has greatly blurred the gap between online and offline marketing. In late 2015 a Gartner, Inc. survey of CMOs revealed that “98 percent of marketers say online and offline marketing are merging

Marketing budgets steadily increased over the years to manage this merging of disciplines. In fact, Gartner’s 2016-2017 follow-up study confirmed that marketing budgets overwhelmingly sustained their uphill climb. They noted a “continued focus on growth and targeted spend on websites, digital commerce and digital advertising” Here are five key elements to help strategists effectively connect online and offline marketing in this data-driven, digital world.

Bridge the Gap Between Online and Offline Marketing

  1. Email and Direct Mail Must Be Connected Since they seem to be of two different functionalities, email and direct mail are sometimes handled by different areas of the marketing team. But this can lead to a very disjointed approach that could cause confusion and frustration with the target audience. A better way is to have one overreaching campaign that hits recipients with the same personalized message in different media. The marketing “jab theory” comes into play when someone receives the same message in the inbox and mailbox.
  2. Personalized URLs A Personalized URL, or PURL, is a unique and personalized web address created especially for each target customer or prospect. Their own name is used as part of a web address that is reserved exclusively for them. Imagine receiving an email or direct mail piece that includes a website with your own name. The recipient is directed to a customized landing page, where the personalized experience continues. Create Personalized URLs for each customer, give them a unique online destination, and you will convert substantially more direct-mail recipients into highly qualified prospects, and lifetime customers.
  3. Geolocation and Mobile Deliver Timely Offers If it seems like everyone is using a smartphone these days, it’s because they are. Smart marketers need to take advantage of this by tapping into these phones’ geolocation capabilities. Knowledge of the owner’s unique demographic footprint gives marketers an edge. They can deliver a timely offer at the precise moment the target is in a geographic area where he or she is capable of taking an immediate action.
  4. QR Codes These codes can simplify engagement from mobile devices. A QR, or “Quick Response” code, when scanned by a phone, can open a PURL, start a video, dial a phone number, view a map location, download an application and more. Take this one step further and generate a personalized QR code to engage potential purchasers with unique and personal offers. QR codes can also create a powerful link between offline and online efforts.
  5. Cross-Channel Marketing It is no longer possible to rely on just one marketing channel to get a message to prospective and current customers. Marketers need to reach across channel boundaries to present a unified and coordinated communication campaign.

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