Tag Archives: Printing Technology

Your Reward For A Year Of Excellent Marketing: A Free Bahamas Vacation For Two!

  To celebrate the end to an exciting year in marketing we thought that an opportunity to win a trip to the Bahamas would be Read More >

Forget Diamonds: PURLs for Printers

Audrey Hepburn might have preferred diamonds, but PURLs are a printer’s best friend. Read More >

Extra! Extra! 5-Part Playbook Series Coming Soon!

We’re excited to announce an upcoming five-part “Playbook” series detailing industry-specific marketing solutions using Easypurl software and solutions. Titles will include: Direct-Marketing Playbook: Using PURLs Read More >

Top-10 Reasons Your Business Needs Cross-Media Services Now!

If you’re a Print Service Provider, Marketing Firm or Agency and you’re still wondering why you need Cross-Media (Seriously? What is this, 1995?), you should Read More >

PURLs + Social Media = Marketers' Dream Come True

Imagine this. You plant a GURL (general URL) on a social network. A user responds to the link. Using the information he provides, you create Read More >

Pricing A Cross Media Campaign: BEGIN AT THE END

That’s right, begin at the end – start with the number of leads that the campaign is expected to generate. Read More >

QR Codes Shorten The Distance Between A Man And His PURL

You send out a direct mail piece with a personalized URL. You’ve done your best with it, and it’s as perfect as it can get. Read More >

93% Of Marketers Will Increase Digital Marketing Spend, Says Survey

High time we stop whining… Read More >

Five Myths About Cross Media Services

Bust ’em! Read More >